International conferences
Loewner functions for bilinear systems
7th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, ACNDC 2024, London (UK)
Data-driven approximation and reduction from noisy data in matrix pencils frameworks
25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2022), Bayreuth, Germany
Rational interpolation and model order reduction for data-driven controller design
8th European Congress of Mathematics (2021) in the minisymposium Rational approximation for data-driven modeling and complexity reduction of linear and nonlinear dynamical systems (slides)
From reference model selection to controller validation: Application to Loewner Data-Driven Control
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2019, Nice, France
Data-driven control design in the Loewner framework: Dealing with stability and noise
European Control Conference 2018, Limassol, Cyprus
Identification of parametric models in the frequency-domain through the subspace framework under LMI constraints
European Control Conference 2018, Limassol, Cyprus
Frequency-domain data-driven control design in the Loewner framework
IFAC World Congress 2017, Toulouse, France
Fuel cell system modeling in Matlab/Simulink and data-driven control
4ème réunion plénière de la Fédération Hydrogène (FRH2), La Grande Motte, octobre 2024.
Modélisation à partir de données physiques : commande, simulation et optimisation
Conseil Scientifique du LAPLACE, juin 2024.
Loewner-based moment matching for bilinear systems
Journées de la SAGIP 2024, Lyon.
Stratégies de contrôle sous contrainte vieillissement d'un système pile à combustible modulaire, Séminaire ASTD "Intégration et efficacité énergétique", LAPLACE, November 2023
Activités de l'équipe CODIASE et commande de microréseaux, Workshop SEMA, NXP Technologies, Toulouse, November 2023
Réduction de modèles de systèmes dynamiques par l'interpolation de Loewner - Méthode, Applications et Perspectives
GT Modélisation et Calcul Scientifique, GDR SEEDS, February 2023
Robust multi-objective control of electrical vehicles charging islands Symposium on Control in Power Electronics, Electric Drives, Renewable Energy Sources and Smart Grids, organized by the Polish Academy of Sciences in Paris, October 2022
Data-driven approximation and reduction from noisy data in matrix pencils frameworks
Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, August 2022
Data-driven model order reduction for modelling and control
ANR Workshop HANDY on "Hybrid and Networked Dynamical Systems", Toulouse, June 2022.
Data-driven strategies for modeling and control - Application to building thermal modeling
OASYS team, University of Malaga, May 2022.
Learning-based hierarchical control of water reservoir systems
LS2N, IMT Atlantique, May 2022.
Stratégies basées-données pour la modélisation et la commande - Exemple de modélisation thermique de bâtiment
Laboratoire Ampère, INSA Lyon, April 2022.
Physics-informed learning for identification of a residential building's thermal behavior
AI Lund lunch seminar, December 2021 (slides)
Hybrid Loewner Data-Driven Control
Journées Automatique de la SAGIP, November 2021.
Physics-informed learning for identification of a residential building's thermal behavior
European Research Network on System Identification (ERNSI) Workshop, September 2021
Learning-based hierarchical control of water reservoir systems
Joint workshop CNRS-CNES on AI \& Control, June 2021
Exploring flexibility in district heating networks through demand-side management
Advanced Network Science Initiative, Los Alamos National Laboratory, May 2021
Contrôle et analyse de stabilité de systèmes de dimension infinie - Approches directes et indirectes par l'interpolation de Loewner
Journées Nationales d'Automatique de la SAGIP, 2020 (slides)
Data-driven stability analysis and enforcement for Loewner Data-Driven Control
Poster at the IPAM Workshop on Intersections between Learning, Control and Optimization, 2020, in Los Angeles
Contrôle direct par approche fréquentielle
Interactive session at Journées nationales du GdR MACS, 2019, in Bordeaux
Data-driven control in the frequency-domain: From reference model selection to controller validation
Poster at the European Research Network on System Identification (ERNSI) Workshop, 2019, in Maastricht
A control application to matching theory: Sensitivity minimization
Poster at the European Research Network on System Identification (ERNSI) Workshop, 2018, in Cambridge